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Channel Location:Home > Case > 46/5000 ACI959-QLS Impact Wrenches Special Torque Test Instrument Measurement of German BOSCH

46/5000 ACI959-QLS Impact Wrenches Special Torque Test Instrument Measurement of German BOSCH

Time:2018-09-04 Author: Yinuo Electronics

The newly developed ACI 959-QLS impact wrench dedicated torque tester is the latest generation of test instrument for impact wrenches. This new product was welcomed by the German brand BOSCH for BOSCH's charging impact wrench measurement.. This special torque tester for impact wrench is used to analyze the performance of impact wrench, capture the real pulse pattern of impact Pulse, and analyze the pulse pattern to accurately obtain the impact number and maximum torque. The performance of the impact tool is clear in the measured data of the instrument.

Measurement of Maximum Torque Value and Impact Number from German BOSCH Impact Wrench


German BOSCH charging impact wrench

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